
My goal here is to be able to play remotely from a portable device (laptop, tablet or phone) on my PC with a graphic card.

I used steamlink first to play through the Internet. It worked well and did not need to have additional setup (no vpn or additional port in/out manual setup on my computer or router).

Unfortunately, on my last macOS update, steamlink kept crashing after the update. I had no other to give up and look up for another alternative. I’ve tried:

  • Teamviewer:
    • advantage: simple and quick setup
    • drawbacks:
      • Close source
      • Issue in terms of performance for gaming
      • Major issue: no possiblity to self host
  • rustDesk:
    • advantages:
      • Opensource
      • Self-host (I was able to use it with a VPN) AND through their servers
    • drawbacks:
      • Setup using rustDesk servers is apparently not very good in terms of performance (not tested myself though)
      • Setup was a bit quirky for self-host setup (and I wanted it this way since it is more secure)
      • Major issue on gaming: https://github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk/issues/2525
  • Windows Remote Desktop
    • advantage: Coming with Windows so no additional setup needed (if you have professional Windows)
    • drawback:
  • Moonlight

Finally, I wanted my computer to be able to go to sleep to save energy and be able to wake it up remotely outside LAN. I needed a solution to send magic packet (wake on lan) safely so Wireguard VPN comes in action.

My steamlink setup:

flowchart LR
    remote[remote device]-. ssh through wireguard .-> pi[raspberry pi]
    pi -- send magic packet if PC is in sleep mode --> pc
    steamlink -- play through internet --> steam

    subgraph remote
    subgraph LAN
    subgraph pc[windows PC]

    style LAN fill:#f66

My moonlight/sunshine setup:

flowchart LR
    remote[remote device]-. ssh through wireguard .-> pi[raspberry pi]
    pi -- send magic packet if PC is in sleep mode --> pc
    moonlight -. play through wireguard vpn .-> sunshine 
    sunshine --> steam
    sunshine --> desktop

    subgraph remote
    subgraph LAN
    subgraph pc[windows PC]

    style LAN fill:#f66

Setup steps

  1. Create a dynDNS address on for instance https://www.noip.com/ [1]
  2. Setup your dynDNS on your router [1]
  3. Install wireguard on your raspberry using piVPN
  4. Install wireguard “client” on your remote device
  5. Install wakeonlan command on raspberry pi
sudo apt install etherwake

Steps to run when your PC is sleep mode

  1. Connect to LAN using wireguard
  2. SSH to your raspberry pi using wireguard IP
  3. Send magic package to your PC from raspberry pi
wakeonlan <PC mac address>
  1. Start steamlink on your client and connect to your PC
